The residential and business community are invited to attend the City’s Open House on Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 6:30 pm to learn about Glencoe’s new plan and its recommendations for the future of Glencoe. Glencoe’s new Comprehensive Plan (the City’s first) will help guide the City’s evolution over the next twenty years, and includes recommendations for land use, housing, business development, parks, transportation, and downtown vitality, among others.
This will be a great opportunity to offer your comments and be a part of the final phase of completion. A brief presentation (starting at 6:30 pm) will introduce the plan, while boards and materials will explain the plan’s goals, process, recommendations, and implementation priorities. Participants will be able to review materials at their own pace. Members of the planning team and Steering Committee members will be on hand to answer questions. Please join us and share your ideas about the future of Glencoe.